July 7, 2021 was the premiere episode of the season 23 of Big Brother. My parents introduced me to Big Brother. I started watching Big Brother in 2012 and since than I have watched the show every summer. That is just a little background on how I began watching this show and am a fan of the show.
The first week of season 23 was intresting. Frenchie won HOH and because of that his team is safe. I think that it was a bad move to put Alyssa on the block because he thinks that she is in a showmance with Christian. It would of been best if he asked her if she was in a showmance before putting her on the block because he asked her after she was nominated and regretted putting her on the block after learning she is not in a showmance. I enjoyed watching the wildcard competition. I enjoyed watching how everytime they open the door a stack of cup would knock over.That was a trick to get them to loose points. In the first week there are already alliances forming. The alliance I do not like is the all guys alliance, The alliance I found to be funny is the all girls alliance plus Frenchie.The girls even think that the alliance is strange. From what I see from watching the first week of season 23 is that Frenchie is already trying to control the house by forming many alliance and by telling everyone that their safe. He told the whole house they are safe. Frenchie is going to end up backstabbing a lot of houseguest. There are already houseguest who are figuring out that he is manipulating the game. I want to see what happens if everyone decided to target him. I liked the premiere week of Big Brother season 23. It was funny and I wonder what is going to happen next. The prize money is now 750,000. Big Brother is on CBS on Sunday, Wednesday,and Thursday. You can watch the show and live feeds on Paramount+.