Those who know me know that I am a huge animal lover. I own two dogs and have never lived without a dog in my house. At my work there are rabbits that live in this patch of green grass by parking spots. I usually park my car in one of those parking lots. The rabbits seem to avoid people because they come out during the night or very early in the morning. Some of my coworkers like to feed them. I have seen the rabbits eating cilantro or carrots. I have been one of those workers who fed them cilantro or carrots before. I heard that one of the rabbits had babies. I had only seen one or two rabbits out at the same time. The area that they come out of look like a secret passage and where they make their home but it is not a rabbit hole. I only once seen one of them out during the day and when that rabbit was out it was eating a carrot. Looks like one of my coworkers recently gave the rabbit a carrot and the rabbit was brave enough to go out where all the people are shopping to eat a carrot.