This week was my brothers birthday week. I had a hard time finding him a birthday present. I came across a add for a place that makes candy plates and they can customize them to say things like Happy Birthday. The place is called Candy Overboard. You can look at their website at I was worried that if I bought a candy plate it would not come in time for his birthday because they shipped on Monday and Monday past. The next Monday would be too close to his birthday. I emailed them and they said if I place a order they would ship the next day and it will come before his birthday. I ordered and personalized a candy plate and it came before his birthday. I gave it to him on his birthday. On my brothers birthday my family went to The Red Onion. The Red Onion is a Mexican restaruant. The meal I got was the two chicken taquitos. They were really good. The Red Onion is a really good place to eat. On Sunday I went to the Peninsula Center to meet my friend. We ate at Pho Hana. Pho Hana is another good restaraunt in that area like The Red Onion except its Vietmeses food not Mexican. My friend and I go there a lot and I usally get the chicken BBQ. The workers knows us at Pho Hana. That is how often me and my friend eat at Pho Hana.