This week was the first week of Fall semester of Senior. The first class was on Monday and its called Advance Research Methods in psychology. The professor was not able to make it to class so the class met through Zoom. Me and other students were already there waiting outside the class before she sent the email with the zoom link. The professor told everyone that if the door is unlock we can all go on zoom in the class room. The class was not unlock so we waited a little but than one of the students went into the classroom next door and ask the professor of that class if he can get it open. The student at first was not sure if he was the professor because he looked young but he was the professor of the class next door. The professor called security for us and security told us to send the email that our professor sent to us. One of the students did that and security came and unlocked the classroom door. We all went into the classroom and met with the professor on zoom. I did not bring my airpods so the zoom was out loud on my ipad and eveyone in the classroom can hear my ipad. I do not bring my airpods to school but I think I am going to start doing that. Other than that on the first day the school gave out free covid test and KN95 face mask. They were all in a cute CSUDH drawstring bag.Below is a picture I took outside of a window of the II building at CSUDH.